Wednesday, October 13 – Saturday, October 16, 2010
Wednesday – Saturday at 8PM, LATE SHOW: Saturday, October 16 at 10PM
Thursday Night Social: October 14
Every night I AM SAYING GOODNIGHT only to wake up in the morning longing for the smell of coffee and start all over again until exhausted I AM SAYING GOODNIGHT only to wake up in the morning longing for the smell of coffee. It is definitely fragmented, a little dreamier than our everyday life and a little harsher than our dreams. We are caught in the middle…
With her new work, AMANDA LOULAKI flirts with the fine line between reality and narrative imagery. I AM SAYING GOODNIGHT feels like reflections on a pre-decided game that although we know how it ends we keep re-enacting it, always like thefirst time. It is all an experiment.
Conceived and directed by Amanda Loulaki
Created and performed by Rebacca Brooks, Carolyn Hall, Becky Serrell, Pedro Osorio and Amanda Loulaki
Sound Design by Amanda Loulaki
Sound Score by Georgios Kontos with music by Giannis Aggelakas and Nikos Veliotis with permission by Altogethernow : http://www.alltogethernow.gr
Costume Design by Joanna Seitz
Lights by Jonathan Belcher
Performance photos by Joanna Seitz
Amanda Loulaki
Supported in part by TestPerformanceTest, The Jerome Foundation and Dance Theater Workshop’s Suitcase Fund as part of the East/Central Europe Cultural Partnerships Program, with support from the Trust for Mutual Understanding.