ZVRK Festival Sarajevo B&H
Performed at SARTR theater
an unforgettable experience  in such an interesting city with amazing people…
Conceived and directed by Amanda Loulaki
Created and performed by Rebacca Brooks, Carolyn Hall, Becky Serrell, Pedro Osorio and Amanda Loulaki
Sound Design by Amanda Loulaki
Sound Score by Georgios Kontos with music by Giannis Aggelakas and Nikos Veliotis with permission by Altogethernow : http://www.alltogethernow.gr
Costume Design by Joanna Seitz
Lights by Jonathan Belcher
performance photos by Sanja Hasagic
Supported in part by TestPerformanceTest, The Jerome Foundation and Dance Theater Workshop’s Suitcase Fund as part of the East/Central Europe Cultural Partnerships Program, with support from the Trust for Mutual Understanding.